..Corrosion control and monitoring at its Best!
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37 Rumunduru Road,
Port Harcourt, Nigeria
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Contract Management


ICSCL has the ability to manage and execute all sizes of production facilities installation, flow line construction, Telecommunication Infrastructure Network Services NDT Inspection, corrosion control and monitoring and projects of typically a few hundred man-hours to largest projects of 100,000 man-hours.

Our largest project to date has been 375,000 hrs .The benefit to the client is continuity of personnel over the years and availability of personnel when needed on short notice.


With its present staff, ICSCL has the capability to perform 500,000 man-hours per year of Onshore/Swamp and Offshore, production facilities, flow line construction, Telecommunication Infrastructure Network Services corrosion control and monitoring and services.

We manage a wide range of project sizes very successfully, because of:

  1. 1. Capable and effective project management and project engineering/control, Personnel path, precedence, and progress information
  2. 2. The corporate scheduling system provides total company personnel and project Information.

ICSCL provides the client with a comprehensive set of progress reports for engineering, cost, procurement, and other engineering activities. This report can be tailored to meet the Mobil’s specific requirements.

In conclusion, the management resources at ICSCL have proven to be highly successful, from the smallest to the largest and from the simplest to the most demanding engineering projects.


ICSCL will provide all of the following management services.

  • ⦿ Supervision, coordination, progress control, and quality control of the   Project.
  • ⦿ Weekly progress reviews of all aspect of the work scope and execution.
  • ⦿ Project planning and scheduling: immediately upon award of the contract, ICSCL will commence preparation of the arrow diagram for the entire on work, and a workload bar which keep the objectives in focus.
  • ⦿ Proven procedures for project accounting, management and quality assurance.
  • ⦿ Computer based job costing, scheduling, and management information systems.
  • ⦿ Flexible project organization structures, depending on size and specific requirements.
  • ⦿ A cohesive project team, providing coordination and continuity amongst all functions or specialized disciplines such as computer system, materials procurement etc. to solving the unique technical requirements that accompany the projects.
  • ⦿ Personnel continuity and employee ownership policy and professional work environment


To meet the continuously changing demands and variables of automation projects, our computer based management systems provide up to-date information. The project accounting system reports both detailed and summarized labor and materials costs. The project scheduling system provides critical:

  • ⦿ Identification to the CLIENT for pre-purchase consideration of those items of long delivery which, if not pre-ordered, would seriously jeopardize the overall schedule.
  • ⦿ Development and maintenance of drawing lists
  • ⦿ Development of monthly work and progress report, man-hour, and cost reports to include:
  1. 1. Highlights of period
  2. 2. Project progress
  3. 3. Problem areas
  4. 4. Forecast for next period
  5. 5. Cost control report
  6. 6. work schedule


  • Development of total work budget during preliminary project execution phase. .
  • Development and maintenance of project estimates upon receipt of firm pricing.
  • Continual identification of changes in cost and trends subsequent to the preparation of work estimate and up-dating this estimates in accordance’s with the changes and trends.
  • Co-ordination and control of suppliers including organization of progress meetings.
  • Co-ordination with and reporting to the client’s project representative.



For project control and reporting ICSCL provide a fully integrated set of network based tools including the following:

  1. A computer based project accounting system integrated with our corporate financial accounting system to report both detailed and summarized labor and materials cost
    2. A computer based project-scheduling system to provide critical path, precedence and progress information.
    3. A comprehensive manpower re-sourcing system that provides information on people, skills project commitments, project loading and personnel availability.

Project planning system that provide man-power and project forecasts based on Committed and potential work.

Our Equipment

ICSCL has various types of equipment required for the execution of all aspects of the contract. These equipment / plants are available and can be mobilized readily to commence the work as required.

Our Clients And Partners

Integrated Corrosion Science Co. Ltd Clients include but is not limited to these: